Walking Uncertain Territories

Site-responsive performance
Full HD video

Captioned in Spanish and English

Produced with the generous support of Karstica/LaNeomudejar, and the assistance of Lucas Baisch


Excerpt from a full length video


Situated performance in which I walked barefoot next to the edge of a series of abrupt depressions in the landscape, formed by the collapse of underlying calcareous bedrock.

The locals call this place “Tierra Muerta/Dead Land” in reference to the large number of subsidences - up to 90 meters deep - that extend throughout the area. Geologists report that the entire territory is hollow and unstable, and that it may collapse in the near future. Although climate change conditions are known to be accelerating the process, the only thing that remains uncertain is when this will occur.

In the performance, I border these depressions while maintaining a dialogue around issues of environmental collapse, the loss of ties with nature and a more than plausible eventuality of collapse in a moment of global instability.